Using a sharp mower blade will prevent you from tearing your grass or a client’s grass. When grass is torn during mowing, it makes the grass susceptible to disease and prevents normal, healthy growth. When you use a sharp blade for mowing, you’ll find that your grass tends to be greener and will not show brown tips.
Mower Blades $5+ Each
Mulching Blades $6 Each
Blunt Blades $8+ Each
Chips or Gauges $8 Each
Blades Removal (residential) $5 Each

*Pricing subject to change


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We sharpen anything with an edge… and more! As a matter of
fact, you may be surprised at items in kitchen, shop, or trailer
that can be restored to virtually brand new.


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Complete the form below and we will send you a reminder when it’s time to sharpen, repair, or restore your equipment. Schedule the reminders for the frequency of your choice.