Your beautician tools are your livelihood. Your profession is built upon trust and precision; in order to deliver on both, your tools need to be in top shape. We sharpen shears, clipper blades and standard edge beauty and grooming tools. The cost of not maintaining your tools far outweighs the cost of caring for them. Beauty and grooming sharpening services are exactly what you need to take advantage of in order to increase profitability and productivity.
Shears $20+ Each
Texturizing/Thinning Shears $18+ Each

*Pricing subject to change


Sign up for our free reminder texts and when it’s time to
schedule your sharpening service, you’ll receive a notification

We sharpen anything with an edge… and more! As a matter of
fact, you may be surprised at items in kitchen, shop, or trailer
that can be restored to virtually brand new.


We will come to you! All you need to do is provide a few details below.
Once completed, you can expect to hear from us within 2 business days.

Stay Sharp...

Complete the form below and we will send you a reminder when it’s time to sharpen, repair, or restore your equipment. Schedule the reminders for the frequency of your choice.